Pianeta Verde: New Collection by Benetti and Fabio Rotella


The Pianeta Verde collection is defined by a composition of products inspired by the magnificence of nature and it conveys well-being and beauty. Our Planet is like an artificial biological mechanism in constant creative evolution”. Fabio Rotella

Meeting of Creativity and Business

Benetti introduces Pianeta Verde (Green Planet in English) collection born from the collaboration with architect Fabio Rotella from Rotella studio. This partnership dates back to the early 2000s when architect Fabio Rotella and Stivens Benetti, owner of Benetti, both shared a mutual curiosity for research and the creation of innovative concepts, experimenting in the design sector and the endless and creative applications of MOSS.

This collaboration has given rise to decorative installations with the unmistakable style of Fabio Rotella, who in the new Pianeta Verde collection integrates natural elements into design products without compromising the durability and vibrancy of the plants. The partnership stimulates the evolution of their products, paving the way for increasingly sophisticated and personalized solutions.

Pianeta Verde embodies the fusion of creativity and nature, offering an innovative approach to integrating stabilized greenery. This product line stands out for its bold vision of bringing the beauty of the plant world into indoor spaces through stunning and functional installations.


Endless Possibilities with Moss

The versatility of MOSS offers endless creative possibilities, allowing for the realization of unique and personalized projects by incorporating natural elements without the concerns associated to plant maintenance.

Cork, wood, bark, as well as wallpaper and mirrors are the elements integrated and combined with classic Benetti Moss by Benetti and architect Rotella. The elements create freestanding pieces, designer room dividers, wall art forms, and ceiling-hanging pendants.

The extensive range of colors, designs, shapes, and materials makes Pianeta Verde collections suitable for any environment, from corporate spaces to retail stores, public areas, and private residences.